Touch-screen Friendly
Awesome Header works on any touch-enabled device so you don't use visitors who browse your website.
Unlimited Color Options
You can configure the color of every element in your header, so it matches your website scheme.
Sticky Header
You can choose either to use Awesome Header as your sticky header or completely replace your existing header (works with WordPress themes developed using best practices).
SEO friendly
Awesome Header has been developed with SEO in mind, so your website can gain traction from better usability and user experience.
Social Media Icons
You can show your social media accounts in Awesome Header and quickly establish a connection to your readers.
Extensible & Modifiable
Awesome Header is very extensible and modifiable through Filter & Action Hooks and it also supports WooCommerce & bbPress for Breadcrumbs.

Developed with love by:
Marko / WordPress &
What do I do for fun? Weekends away with friends. Peace, quiet and space to be creative.
Dragan / SEO & Support
I like playing basketball and tennis. Reading and stretching is what spurs my creativity.